People have heard that Dave Mathews Band was driving around Chicago in their RV/tour bus. They were on a bridge to dump out the shit from the septic system. They did that but did not realize that they were dumping shit onto a yacht of people.
People don't know this story: I had friends that took a taxi in SF. The cab driver said "Dave Mathews was just in here, he was my last customer." They were duly impressed. When they were sitting in back one of them came upon a giant bag of cocaine. It was a pound of coke and really good shit of course. They did it all night and one of them took it home.
This guy was named Don Steele like the airport author named Danielle Steele. Apparently he did the whole bag of coke his friends went to check on him he had lost weight. He had been doing it everyday and then he suddenly died. I saw them not long after this and they told me the whole story. As much as I loved him, that is a pretty great way to die. Dave Mathews Band had a bunch of live albums, at one point at work I had to cover them all. There were like 40, it was annoying. Most of them had been recorded in baseball parks, a big part of the reviews I wrote give a story of the ballpark they were recorded in. The first song was always "Rapunzel."