Tuesday, March 2, 2021


 Me and my father were in the ICU unit. We were there because my sister Dee Dee was dying. This is fucking heavy but also funny as hell. Basically Dee Dee choked on her dinner and the EMT's crushed her windpipe trying to help her and because her DNR said, 'no extraordinary measures' we had to let her go. This sucked, but it's not like her life was going to get better. Anyway, we're in the ICU for a couple hours at least. It was silent except for the pace maker beeping. A cart on wheels is pushed into the room. There's a dog in the top of the cart. There's a sign on the front of the cart that says, 'Therapy Dog'. My father looks at it and says to me, "What the fuck is that?" 

In 1998 or 9 Motley Crue put out an alcoholic beverage called "Motley Brew," It was blue and kinda looked like Zima. I remember trying it and it fucking turned my teeth blue. I am still not sure if they did it on purpose. I hope they did. 

When I was in Thailand I was in a bar that had a band. They were setting up and getting ready. The guitar player had crazily long hair. I'm not kidding, he really looked like early Larry David. Anyway, that guy and the drummer were tuning up and kind of playing, there was a keyboard playing here and there also. They were all absent-mindedly jamming. The guitar player with the crazy hair suddenly blew a whistle. They all stopped and broke into 'Another Brick in the Wall' by Pink Floyd. With them doing the vocals and everything, it was fucking perfect. Talk about a cool way to start a show. 

Nerf this 

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