This is a record geek test with a concentration on classic rock. I would get a 90. You need to at least pass it but anything B or above is total record geekitude. Sorry.
1. What do you call a dog with wings?
A. Linda McCartney
B. A Wingnut
C. Joni Mitchell
D. Bob Barker
2. Where are The Stooges from?
A. Los Angeles
B. Denmark
C. Michigan
D. New York
3. What is the name of the keyboard player from Pink Floyd?
A. Robin Wright
B. Richard Dyson
C. Richard Wright
D. Travis Bickle
4. What does 2112 refer to?
A. Coordinates
B. A year
C. The score of a game
D. An amount of space credits
5. Who did Neil Young move to the U.S. with?
A. The members of April Wine
B. The members of Rush
C. Randy Bachman
D. Rick James
6. What is Alice Cooper's real name?
A. Billy Dee Williams
B. Vincent Furneier
C. Farrah Fawcet
D. Rick James
7. Besides the awesome band, what is Steely Dan?
A. A baseball play
B. A surfing term
C. A dildo in a Burroughs book
D. Something kids in California say
8. What does L.A.M.F. stand for?
A. Like A Mother Fucker
B. Lame Ass Monster Face
C. Local Airport Montana Fair
D. Look At My Father
9. What label was all the New Zealand punk on?
A. Epic
B. Elektra
C. Flying Nun
D. Guided Missle
10. How did Michael Jackson die?
A. He choked on a 10 year old weiner
B. He choked on a 10 year old weiner
C. He choked on a 10 year old weiner
D. He choked on a 10 year old weiner
Bonus Question: What is the abbreviation of Judas Priest/Iron Maiden style Heavy Metal?